
It’s the morning and I am wide awake. Oh, how I love my morning rest, however I entertain the idea of getting up out of bed earlier today. I listen within as I stretch my body. I move towards the window, to have a better sense of the time. Am I actually up in time to meet the Sun as …

Snorkeling in Baja Mexico

We slide the kayak into the water, careful to shuffle our feet in the sand. The shuffling warns otherwise docile sting rays, who take offense only to being stepped on their back. Jorge laughs, shakes his head in disbelief, as he tells us of the ladies who ignore the signs about sting rays and shuffling, and proceed with their high-kicking …

Parrotfish Ceviche

The produce store had fresh parrotfish. The fatty, white fillet gave no hint as to the colorful exterior of its living brethren. Proprietor Ulises says that parrotfish is highly in demand and always sells out. I ask how he prepares it. One word: ceviche. I’m down with that. It’s time I made ceviche. I’ve grown to enjoy ceviche quite a …

A day to celebrate…

Gently beaming through the soft tannish curtains adorning the french doors of our bedroom, the suns luminous rays greet with a warm smile awakening us to a new day. Beside me, Tyler enjoys some extra early morning zzzzz’s, as I stretch my body and breath in the new day. I jump out of bed, with a spring in my step, …