In Week 4, we start seeing some Peppers and Onions, namely Cipollinis, Shishitos and Padrons. Cucumbers, Bok Choy, Dino Kale, Rainbow Carrots, all so lovely. Looks like another great week at the Farm.
The Newsletter
This Week’s Harvest
Bunched Rainbow Carrots, Fresh Cipollini Onions, Easter Egg Radishes, Dino Kale, Rainbow Chard, Mei Qing Bok Choi, Summer Squash, Olympian Cucumbers, Arugula, Tasty Town Salad Mix, Spinach, Cegolaine Little Gems, Iceberg Lettuce, Garlic Scapes
Albion Strawberries, Sugar Snap Peas, Frying Peppers and all the herbs from last week plus an abundance of flowers for the pickin’.
Really looking forward to cooking with some Peppers and Onions. Maybe we can do something interesting with the Olympian Cucumbers, be it juicing or a maybe a nice cucumber salad along with something spicy.
Recipes bookmarked:
Harvest Time!
When we return back home, it takes me about an hour to process everything – kitchen towels, bags, moisture levels, the whole thing. I am in awe and admiration of how fresh all these vegetables and herbs are, simply popping with prana, color, vibrancy. I know we are eating produce as good as anywhere on the planet.
What’s Cooking
Everything is crazy fresh and colorful. I just sautéed up some Rainbow Chard and Bok Choy to accompany some homemade veggie tamales (made with last week’s Kale and Summer Squash and then frozen). Added in a couple of Shishitos – fun to have those around again. Simple dinner but yummy.

Whipped up a socca (made out of garbanzo bean and fava flour), which has become one of my go-to’s, because it’s easy, healthy and fun to eat. Roasted up a sweet, delicious Cipollini Onion along with some Carrots and Summer Squash, tossed with organic Berbere spice from Ethiopia (note for the future – careful, it’s spicy!). Topped it all with an arugula/mix salad and a really nice lemon/mint tahini dressing. While not from the same regions, berbere, socca and tahini all go together pretty damn well.