It’s been roughly 36 hours since the Thomas Fire started just west of Santa Paula, and less than that since we lost our house.
Whither Owl & Bear? Mostly Meditation Mount
Two years have passed since we returned from Mexico. The blog has lain fallow for far too long. I suppose, dear reader, I should catch you up. We flew from Mexico City to LAX, ultimately landing for what we thought was a short stay in Ojai. The plan was two weeks at Meditation Mount, a month at Ryan’s place and a month in Marcus and Eva’s guest house. Then… who knows where?
What an AMAZING whirlwind SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE among the VALLEY OF THE MOON (Ojai)! This past weekend, in the wee hours of the NEW MOON, I arrive and step foot back upon the mainland soil to grieve and celebrate one of the most INFLUENTIAL and INSPIRING beings of my lifetime. GRATITUDE and LOVE is what I feel today as I open …