Surf town

Today we discovered one of the greatest gems here on the island of Carenero. While the nightlife hops in Bocas, the daytime is all about the surfing. The surf is epic here, as we witnessed today. I fondly recall, a few days ago, how the small airport in Panama City was filled with surfers, all glowing in anticipation of the …

Ritmo De La Vida

I fall asleep almost instantly despite a torrential downpour, the thump of a bar on the main island, the scuttling of foraging crabs in the rain and the house cat fending off a feral competitor. Eleven hours later, I rouse from a deep sleep. We are on Eastern Standard Time, plenty of time to prep some analytics for a client. …

Island life

A brightly colored hammock awaits me, as I sink into the evening energy here on the island off of bocas del toro, Panama. Tyler and I are enjoying some creative time on the veranda as Feather and Warrio prepare our dinner of chicken stew, coconut rice and beans. I feel refreshed after a rejuvenating shower and enjoying a peaceful day …

Day One: Arrival

The turbo prop plane flies west along the northern edge of Panama. We drop below the clouds, revealing a rainy landscape of turquoise blue water, small be-jungled islands and now an increasing number of outboard boats dotting the sheltered Caribbean coast.

Day One: En Route

The red-eye arrives at PTY, Panama City’s modern international hub, filled with duty free jewelry, chocolate and American knock-offs.  Passing through customs into the warm, tropical humidity of Panama, we are greeted by Omar Ríos, bearing a sign that says “Alisun | Tyler.” Arranged by Heather, whom he calls “the lady of Boquete,” Omar is a taxi driver, father of …

The Adventure Begins in Panama

We leave Ojai on February 27th – not for good, but for a while. I am keeping my office on Bryant St. and a six inch square suite at the mail place. The office has a back room that will be larded up with furniture and boxes, and the gated parking is perfect for long-term storage of our cars. We’ll …